Disclaimer & Disclosure

Disclaimer & disclosure of research services


I,Sony Joseph, Research Analyst of this report involved in detailed analysis of data and preparation of this Report hereby affirms that there is no conflict of interest that can bias the Buy,Sell,or Hold recommendation of the stock/company described in this report.Analyst prepared this reports for paid subscribers only.No other compensation is received from Recommended company or any person associated with it.

Recommendation is based on the valuation or growth potential of the company (fundamental analysis) and Evaluation of historical price and volume data ( Technical analysis) to forecast future price.

Disclaimer :

Investments are subject to market risk. Analyst have taken due care and caution in compilation of data for Research report,but, does not guarantee the accuracy,completeness and adequacy of data collected.No guarantee is given that the predictions and Observation made herein the Research Report will lead to profit or otherwise. Readers using this information contained herein should not treat it as an investment advice.

This Report is based on personal assessment / judgment of the Analyst as per Equity Research parameters.However, we shall not be liable for any losses due to various risk factors associated with recommended stock,sector or economy.Do self evaluation and Consult your investment advisor for Advice before any execution regarding the research report.

Categories: disclaimer